
This may not be the first word that comes to mind when wedding planning, but I hope it’s a part of the conversation. It didn't take many weddings to realize that I was creating a TON of trash and waste. Things needed to change!

Here are just a few ways we consider sustainability. This not only relates to environmental impacts, but also how we choose to operate, save, and spend.

  1. We compost all organic material and do not use floral foam as it contains formaldehyde and doesn’t break down in landfills. Instead, we often use a cage-type piece made from recycled plastic that keeps your arrangements intact. This makes sending florals home with family at the end of the night clean and simple. If you choose not to take your flowers home, no worries - we can donate them for you!

  2. We’re always on the lookout for new vessels. We prefer to purchase vases from local vendors, made from recycled materials. Or even better: vintage finds at auctions or antique shops!

  3. Our studio is actually my converted, two-car garage! This leaves our cars outside but allows plenty of room for us to create floral magic without taking up more space - reducing our footprint.

This fabulous party of yours can become wasteful faster than you think! Be sure to ask your vendors what practices they use to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Photo Credits:

Anna Bowser Photography
